Complete Mac OS Special Character Combinations – The Ultimate 2025 Guide

Complete Mac OS Special Character Combinations – The Ultimate 2025 Guide

Unlike Windows Alt codes, macOS uses Option key (⌥) combinations to input special characters. Here's a comprehensive guide to accessing special characters on macOS.

Tips for macOS Special Characters

  1. These combinations work across most macOS applications
  2. Some combinations are sequential (press first key combination, release, then press the letter)
  3. Keyboard layouts may affect some combinations
  4. You can set up Text Replacement (System Preferences → Keyboard → Text) for frequently used characters
  5. For language-specific layouts, switch your input source in the menu bar

Common Symbol Combinations

Key Combination Symbol Description Key Combination Symbol Description
⌥ + 1 ¡ Inverted exclamation ⌥ + Shift + 1 Fraction slash
⌥ + 2 Trademark ⌥ + Shift + 2 Euro sign
⌥ + 3 £ Pound sterling ⌥ + Shift + 3 Left angle quote
⌥ + 4 ¢ Cent ⌥ + Shift + 4 Right angle quote
⌥ + 5 Infinity ⌥ + Shift + 5 fi ligature
⌥ + 6 § Section ⌥ + Shift + 6 fl ligature
⌥ + 7 Paragraph ⌥ + Shift + 7 Double dagger
⌥ + 8 Bullet ⌥ + Shift + 8 ° Degree
⌥ + 9 ª Feminine ordinal ⌥ + Shift + 9 · Middle dot
⌥ + 0 º Masculine ordinal ⌥ + Shift + 0 Single low quotation

Letters with Accents

Key Combination Symbol Description Key Combination Symbol Description
⌥ + e, then a á a with acute ⌥ + e, then e é e with acute
⌥ + e, then i í i with acute ⌥ + e, then o ó o with acute
⌥ + e, then u ú u with acute ⌥ + e, then y ý y with acute
⌥ + u, then a ä a with umlaut ⌥ + u, then e ë e with umlaut
⌥ + u, then i ï i with umlaut ⌥ + u, then o ö o with umlaut
⌥ + u, then u ü u with umlaut ⌥ + u, then y ÿ y with umlaut
⌥ + i, then a â a with circumflex ⌥ + i, then e ê e with circumflex
⌥ + i, then i î i with circumflex ⌥ + i, then o ô o with circumflex
⌥ + i, then u û u with circumflex ⌥ + `, then a à a with grave
⌥ + `, then e è e with grave ⌥ + `, then i ì i with grave
⌥ + `, then o ò o with grave ⌥ + `, then u ù u with grave
⌥ + n, then a ã a with tilde ⌥ + n, then n ñ n with tilde
⌥ + n, then o õ o with tilde ⌥ + c, then c ç c with cedilla

Mathematical and Technical Symbols

Key Combination Symbol Description Key Combination Symbol Description
⌥ + p π Pi ⌥ + Shift + p Product sign
⌥ + s ß Sharp s (eszett) ⌥ + Shift + s Í I with acute
⌥ + d Partial differential ⌥ + Shift + d Î I with circumflex
⌥ + f ƒ Function ⌥ + Shift + f Ï I with umlaut
⌥ + g © Copyright ⌥ + Shift + g Ì I with grave
⌥ + h ˙ Dot above ⌥ + Shift + h Ó O with acute
⌥ + j Increment ⌥ + Shift + j Ô O with circumflex
⌥ + k ˚ Ring ⌥ + Shift + k Apple logo (in some fonts)
⌥ + l ¬ Not sign ⌥ + Shift + l Ò O with grave
⌥ + z Ω Omega ⌥ + Shift + z ¸ Cedilla
⌥ + x Almost equal ⌥ + Shift + x ˝ Double acute accent
⌥ + c ç c with cedilla ⌥ + Shift + c Ç C with cedilla
⌥ + v Square root ⌥ + Shift + v Diamond
⌥ + b Integral ⌥ + Shift + b ı Dotless i
⌥ + m µ Micro ⌥ + Shift + m  A with circumflex
⌥ + w Sum sign ⌥ + Shift + w Double low-9 quotation
⌥ + q œ oe ligature ⌥ + Shift + q Œ OE ligature
⌥ + r ® Registered ⌥ + Shift + r Per mille
⌥ + t Dagger ⌥ + Shift + t ˇ Caron
⌥ + y ¥ Yen ⌥ + Shift + y Á A with acute
⌥ + u ¨ Umlaut ⌥ + Shift + u ¨ Umlaut
⌥ + i ˆ Circumflex ⌥ + Shift + i ˆ Circumflex
⌥ + o ø o with stroke ⌥ + Shift + o Ø O with stroke
⌥ + - En dash ⌥ + Shift + - Em dash
⌥ + = Not equal ⌥ + Shift + = ± Plus-minus
⌥ + [ " Left double quote ⌥ + Shift + [ " Right double quote
⌥ + ] ' Right single quote ⌥ + Shift + ] ' Left single quote
⌥ + \ « Left double angle quote ⌥ + Shift + \ » Right double angle quote
⌥ + ; Ellipsis ⌥ + Shift + ; Ú U with acute
⌥ + ' æ ae ligature ⌥ + Shift + ' Æ AE ligature
⌥ + , Less than or equal ⌥ + Shift + , ¯ Macron
⌥ + . Greater than or equal ⌥ + Shift + . ˘ Breve
⌥ + / ÷ Division ⌥ + Shift + / ¿ Inverted question

Currency Symbols

Key Combination Symbol Description
⌥ + 3 £ Pound sterling
⌥ + 4 ¢ Cent
⌥ + y ¥ Yen
⌥ + Shift + 2 Euro
⌥ + $ Ruble (Russian)
⌥ + Shift + 4 $ Dollar
⌥ + Shift + b, then h Bitcoin (in newer macOS versions)

Punctuation and Quotation Marks

Key Combination Symbol Description
⌥ + 1 ¡ Inverted exclamation
⌥ + Shift + / ¿ Inverted question
⌥ + [ " Left double quote
⌥ + Shift + [ " Right double quote
⌥ + ] ' Right single quote
⌥ + Shift + ] ' Left single quote
⌥ + \ « Left double angle quote
⌥ + Shift + \ » Right double angle quote
⌥ + ; Ellipsis
⌥ + - En dash
⌥ + Shift + - Em dash

Using Character Viewer

For characters not listed above, macOS provides a Character Viewer:

  1. Press Control + Command + Space to open Character Viewer
  2. Browse or search for symbols
  3. Double-click a character to insert it
  4. Use the "Favorites" section to save frequently used characters


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